INDICAR-Workshop 2018
Th 13th Sept - Fr 14th Sept 2018
Welcome to the University of Vienna INDICAR 2018 Workshop
Welcome to the University of Vienna INDICAR 2018 Workshop
The Interdisciplinary Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme (INDICAR Programme) is an initiative of The University of Vienna to promote a new interdisciplinary vision of postdoctoral training in the field of cancer research. The program is co-funded by the EU Frameworkprogramme 7 (FP7) Marie Curie Actions and offers post-doctoral researchers from different fields, from biology to chemistry, computational physic and nursing science, the opportunity to undertake research in a multidisciplinary context.
As the INDICAR Programme ends November 2018, the INDICAR 2018 Workshop is the opportunity for post-doctoral researchers enrolled in the Programme to foster cross-disciplinary exchange in the context of summarizing their previous research and what it may mean for any subsequent work. During the two-day workshop, the post-doctoral researchers are invited to present and discuss their work with a particular focus on how to wrap up outcomes and what the results may mean for future research. The workshop-like structure aims at promoting broad discussions and interaction among participants, with the goal to conceive new ideas and develop new approaches in the field of cancer research.